Nectar Manuka Essential Oil Soap

Hand made in New Zealand without Palm Oil. 100g bar.

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Hand made with NZ Manuka Oil.

Hand-batched soap infused with New Zealand Manuka Essential Oil. 100g bar, boxed. Made in New Zealand.


This best-selling NZ Manuka handmade soap has gained a great reputation for fighting these skin troubles!

Not only does it deep-clean, but it nourishes too, with this exclusive blend of superior skin-feeding oils and butters.

Many commercial preparations include serious drying chemicals which put the skin in chaos and its delicate balance of natural oils.

This soap is gentle and soothing with over 30% Shea Butter bringing the natural balance back while the Manuka Oil does its job!

At nectar, we love including 100% pure NZ Manuka first grade Essential Oil in our products because it has been medically proven to be 20 times more potent than any other tea-tree oils – due to it being:

  • Anti-septic
  • Anti-fungal
  • Anti-microbial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • And much more!

Try it today and see for yourself why it has been used for centuries in natural New Zealand medicine!

Ingredients of this soap are: Saponified Oils and Butters of Olive, Coconut and Shea,  and NZ Manuka Essential Oil. That's it! No palm oil or other nasties.

More Information

Saponified Oils and Butters of Olive, Coconut and Shea, NZ Manuka Essential Oil.

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